Subtle signs that Spring is getting close. Small buds are appearing on the trees and small shrubs. Road Trip! lots planned for 2010. Hope everything comes together! (Promo pic I took for my photography and videography business)
"Wayfarer"... Rare self portraits of myself while shooting the heavy snow across Southern Alabama. Studying the snow returns in the radar (via laptop) while getting ready to go out and shoot pics..
Snow in the extreme South is rare but a heavy snow event is even more rare. I spent the day in Conecuh County Alabama and the City of Evergreen Alabama to witness this event. I roamed the back roads looking for those shots that snow can to bring to life. while in the field I recorded the highest and second highest snowfall amounts of the event! (6 & 7 inches) I felt very blessed to have seen God's artistic beauty. I had waited 10 years to see really good snowfall and the wait was worth it.
Click on the pics for a full size view!!
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Burnt Corn Alabama...No, that's really the name of the community..look it up! ..solitude in silence.. ..this was my favorite area..Perfect snow covering the pasture..Hence the large number of pictures of the pasture.. ... where to next? ..getting deep! ..yes... it was very slippery... ..far from home... ..once again playing with colors..Each has its own feel to it..The beauty of color.. Snow white smile! This is the spot where I recorded the highest snowfall in Alabama..7 inches! Had to watch for these as they started falling due to the heavy snowfall.. ...dirty girl needs a bath! Heaviest snowfall I drove through... ..winter wonderland.. Sexy "Snowy" Chevrolet Hmmm.."Fresh" train tracks..He just came though here... ..on this pic I did the slight painted look..some pics really come alive with it..Several on this posting are done this way.. Hidden cemetery... ..abandoned farmhouse.. snow stallion in the distance.. Same shot, played around with the color a little..
Early morning and the games begin.. There was a reason no one had been down this road yet, but i was to adventurous to say no.. Gathering..