Photos of the upper dam just up from Hannahs Mill in the previous post. This is the site of another cotton and grist mill although the only thing that remains is the stone dam. While shooting I heard a friendly and familiar voice and turned to see Mr McDonald, owner of Hannahs Mill down creek and also owner of this dam as well. He stopped by to chat and fill me in on the history of this dam. Built around the same time as Hannahs Mill in 1858 and used a waterwheel for power..It was good to see him again and I thanked him for allowing me permission to shoot from his property...
Still on the road with company portrait work. I took some time after finishing up for the day to visit a local landmark of sorts. Built in 1858 and has been owned by the same family since 1931. It was operational up until 1978 and is listed in the historical places of Georgia. It is the last surviving grist mill out of 11 mills that once thrived in the area. It operated with a water turbine and not a water wheel like most mills did. All the original milling equipment is still inside the building. It stands on private property and many many thanks to the McDonald family for allowing me to venture onto their property and take the pictures and also passing on the history of this mill. Not many people are allowed to visit it anymore so I am very honored to have done so..
My workload has been added to and extended into late August now. It will almost be September by the time I have finished up photo work for my company. The good thing about all this is that road trips are just around the corner. September is set aside for one more kayak trip and awaiting that first cold front that brings the nip of Fall weather to the mountains. I plan a scouting trip ahead of the main trip in the Autumn colors in November. Can almost feel the cool breeze looking at the pic above...Might even try and get out and shoot a few pics next week while in western Georgia, near Thomaston provided it isnt blazin hot..
....til then dreams of September fill the senses and mind..
Back home to work a couple shifts and then its back on the road again. While at my hotel a severe thunderstorm rolled in. Me, of course, just had to hang out on the balcony and try and catch lightning pics. This resulted in my almost getting struck as one hit about 2oo yards away..Close enough I could feel the static in my time to react and Boom! Sounded like a mortar round going off..The things I do for lightning shots...
Please forgive the lack of updates. On the road with some photography work for my EMS service. Managed to catch some lightning while on the road and will post them soon..
Been on the road with some portrait work for my company. I have been instructed to rephotograph the entire company, roughly 213 employees located at various cities across Georgia. This will take up the rest of month, but it will be a nice escape from the world of emergency medical treatment. These shoots are the closest I will ever be to living the life of a full time photographer, so I look forward to them when I have the chance. It also helps finance my photo road trips each year...