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Photography Prints

Monday, May 18, 2009


Flint River...Albany Ga. (repost) Last year seemed to be a simpler, less complicated time for me...Vacation cant get here soon enough...

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Working for a several days in a row at both jobs and little time to get out and find things to shoot..Please forgive as the creative juices seem to be running low lately..Just tired in the mind as well as the body. Better days ahead...

Monday, May 4, 2009

On my way...

On my way home I stopped by a railroad crossing up in the mountains. (You know I love trains) Its way out of the way and it was so quiet with nothing but the sound of the wind. Its at the top of a long grade and the trains passing through are usually in a hard pull. I timed it perfectly as within 20 minutes I heard one at the bottom in the distance getting ready to make the attempt.
Coming around the corner in a very hard pull was a loaded freight, bound for Atlanta..

...on the lead was a leased Conrail Dash 8 with two Dash 9 "ponies" running Norfolk Southern colors, as it is a Norfolk Southern line. All three units were at full throttle and only doing about 10mph. It was quite a show to see and feel as the ground was shaking..

..over the top and its all down hill for a while.

Earlier in the day I spent some time on the back roads. My favorite thing to do..Just roaming around, looking at the beauty, scouting for a future shoot...Welcome to my world.