I was asked to shoot for a local magazine today. The subject was nothing short of a absolute "Angel". She is a very courageous young lady as she has a condition that's inoperable and is now back at home spending her remaining time with her family and friends. As a photographer I have covered a wide variety of subjects but never anything of this magnitude or of a personal level. It was an honor to do this assignment and with the gracious permission the family, allowed me to post these very intimate pictures of Jazmin for a celebration of her life. The magazine will be published soon and I will link to it from here...As an EMT I deal with death from time to time but with children its never easy regardless of the situation..As I sat there, taking pictures, the writer interviewing her, her voice barely above a whisper, she answered questions as best she could. Me, behind the lens, looking into her eyes and fighting back tears as the camera snapped moments in a life that will be unfairly shortened. But when she flashed a smile at me during the shoot it seemed to say "don't worry, everything will be alright"...Even in sadness there is comfort found....Please keep this family in your prayers...
Such a beautiful little girl... and such an honor to be allowed to do the photo shoot. I will be keeping her and her family in my prayers :)
Wow, she really is an angel & you were blessed to be in her presence.
It's amazing how the simple touch of an angel can remind you of the
precious moments of life as I've been reminded of our granddaughter Ali, now 18 days old weighing less than 4 lbs. God sends the brush of
angel's wings when he needs us to
refocus on our blessings. Prayers for them.
Jazmine got her wings this morning around 7:30AM! She is flying with Jesus now! We will miss you Jazmine but we will see you again one day soon.
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