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Photography Prints

Friday, December 31, 2010

Wayfarers Journey Chrsitmas (Pt 2)

More shots from my journey around Eastern Tennessee this Christmas. Many more over the next few days..Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Snow Chase!!

Taking a little time to go chase some snow shots...Final destination is still up in the air...but a snow storm is forecasted for the mountains and I need more snow shots for my portfolio...Pics coming in a few days!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Abby is home..

Fresh from the body shop and shining like a new dime...Missed having my baby..And for those of you who are curious where her name came from? The TV show "NCIS" ...There is a character named Abby....

Merry Christmas all!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

..had better days...

Person driving way too fast though a parking lot..Never saw her coming and never saw her when she hit me..I thought I had actually hit a human being and it was a feeling I never will forget..Luckily the person stopped...offered no apology, nothing..It will be my fault as I was backing up, regardless of how stupid she was driving...."Abby" goes to the body shop tomorrow...Gonna miss my baby...

"A man and his truck is a beautiful thing"....;-)