I work hard and go to considerable expense to capture my work. So please consider this before stealing any of my work. If you do, I will find you and the outcome wont be as pleasant. Lets just say I hope my lawyer gets to you before I do"...
I am growing very tired of people stealing my work and some even trying to sell it as their own..If this keeps up as much as it hurts this site will be closed. So if you like the pictures, just ask for usage. If not, the above statement is not a threat but a promise....
I am sorry to have offended you. I found two of your pictures of the Tuscaloosa storm on the news wire through Google. I saved them on my personal gallery to show a friend on a message board because I thought they were beautiful.
I didn't steal them or sell them or make any money off of them whatsoever. But I did leave your name on them so if anyone else saw them they could find more of your work. That IS how you get more traffic to your site.
I am sorry that you felt I was stealing from you and I realize that I should have asked you first... the pictures are deleted from my gallery and you can be sure it won't happen by me again.
Phillip I commend you and thank you. I apologize if it seemed harsh but I have had several pictures that have been lifted lately, the main one being of the Tuscaloosa event. While your motives were not for personal gain several have been so please understand my response when I was notified of the pics being posted. Everyone isnt honest like yourself...
No problem...
It's sad that people would use such a deadly event to take credit for somebody's work. I guess morals aren't really an issue for those who don't have them.
Good luck with it and don't quit taking those shots.
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