Made a quick run back to Centre Alabama. Had to get some photos to a a friend and needed an excuse to get away for a couple days..I didn't take many pics as I was scouting some areas to possibly shoot this Fall. Just riding the back roads, relaxing not worried about getting a "perfect shot" and just enjoying the moment going down roads I never have been down before, while in the company of a good friend. Spent the day Wednesday kayaking 8 miles down a creek. Managed to flip my Kayak at least 5 times in the small rapids but the water felt great and I provided humor for everyone! LOL!! We were taken to a drop off point and then carried by current and paddle power down the creek back to the Outfitters base. In some places this creek was over 200 yards across and very deep. I would call that a river. It took us 6 hours to finish the trip. It was an awesome trip and I am very sunburned and sore, but happy.
The Little River Canyon State Park and the falls I have shot many times will not be revisited for some time as I have shot it from every angle I can. This goes for most of that area of the state as well. I need to find some new areas to shoot later this year. Maybe North Carolina? Virginia? Still have several months to ponder and think about where I want to go this Fall. Vacation time will be kicking in so who knows..More pics posted later..