Tonight I am on pins and needles.. Thinking, wondering about today's events.
(Storyline music playing)
You see, I have always wanted to get paid to do what I love to do. That being photography and videography. Today I traveled to the home office of my company to receive my anniversary check/sign on bonus. The gentleman that owns the company sits down and talks with you and gets to know his employees on a personal level. I will say this company really does care about its employees and the owner is a fine christian man. Well, in our discussions he brought up a previous conversation that I did photography and videography and that they were really needing a corporate photographer for the company. This also entails video work. I would be doing it on my days off from my EMS shift, traveling around the state to different EMS posts. After a quick introduction to the new marketing director I sat silently amazed and in disbelief. Now comes the good part. He wanted to see what I could do and he wanted prices worked up for certain jobs. This was the big leagues, not just doing a small wedding for a friend or coworker or chasing trees around the mountains or dodging lightning bolts, its time for my "A-game". I sent several pics from my portfolio and then sat here racking my brain trying to come up with a decent quote. Not wanting to charge to much and lose the chance but then again making it worth my while and to pay for the gear that's been sitting dormant on a shelf laughing at me. Quotes were made to cover the portraits for over 200 employees and also miscellaneous photo and video work. In my defense I cut my rates but still will cover my costs and make a little. No professional would come close to beating my price, but there were a couple other employees that offered their services, but never made quotes. I am confident in my work and will stand on it. Like I told The owner of the company, I am not in it for the money, to get rich, but I do it for the love of it.....(Course the money is nice too..)
Just have to wait and see.......