Turtles and planes..Woo hoo!!

I have found out that I get a few weeks off until my second job kicks in, so I have a little time to shoot pics. I have decided to hit the road for some pics in late April. Everything should be bloomed out enough for some good shots.
I even shot some pics while at work. We recently moved to another station in a nearby town. We rotate shifts between the the two stations. This new station is about 50 feet from a Norfolk Southern mainline. When the train comes through it is moving very fast, around 65 mph! It shakes the building! LOL! I decided to capture some shots as it came by. One finally came by that night and stood out beside the tracks. I was about 15 feet from the tracks when it came by...Sheeesh! That is not a good feeling to have something that big and powerful blow right by you..LOLOLOL!! I messed up the shot of the lead locomotive thus missing it and the shot I wanted. (got a little greedy and it cost me) but I will be ready next week when I go.
Train was about a mile and a half away in this shot.

It was carrying containers bound for Jacksonville Fla. Night time exposure shots are fun to play with..